
Please read the following-

"Welcome! If you are reading this, you are probably on my blog, and for that I thank you! PLEASE feel free to search, comment on, or even follow my blog. I sincerely hope you enjoy your stay. If you don't, then you can certainly visit one of the blogs listed somewhere below."

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Okay, lets see if THIS works...


MyVersionofArt said...

By the way, Gwenn is my pen name.

Emily Ann said...

I posted the code for Chocolate Pencils on Meilin Designs...

Emma said...

By the way, what is this blog about? I mean, I know you have Nahla's World, which is about your life... Just wondering! I hope no offense was taken!

*LOL, the word verification for this was "blush"!!*

MyVersionofArt said...

None taken whatsoever! This blog is for stories and such. You know, I should get another author, because I don't have too many stories. Do either of you want to post stories here? You know, I'll put up a poll.

Näna said...

I gotta ask...why chocolate pencils?

For your pole I voted, "sure" because, I don't really like writing fiction stories, but I like doing journalism. And what's the good in writing a story if you aren't going to post it. Right?

Love your signature. I used to have a very dear friend who's name was Gwenn. Sadly she died a few years ago, but that is beside the point. Anyway, just a tip from a HTML geek. If you don't want the border around it got to the HTML code and were it says, border: 1px change the 1 to 0. Of course in this case I kinda like the border, but just as a FYI.

Love in Christ,

MyVersionofArt said...

As for Chocolate Pencils, I really just thought that it sounded good! It makes chewing pencils while thinking worthwhile! Thanks for the tip. :)